Welcome to  Our Lady of Grace Parish

a  merged parish of St. Agnes-Sanford, St. Anne-Edenville & St. Philip Neri-Coleman

Office: 2500 N. West River Rd.  +  Sanford, MI 48657  +  989-687-5657

Fr. Daniel Fox, OFM, Cap


Welcome! Whether you are a visitor or new to our parish, interested in becoming Catholic, seeking to return to the practice of your faith, or an active member of our parish, we are pleased that you have come to our website and we will do all that we can to assist you. 

If you cannot find the information that you are seeking on this website, please call our parish office at 989-687-5657 during office hours, Mon-Fri from 8:00am-4:30pm, or email us at marcia.kosnik@ourladyofgracemi.org and we will make every effort to help you

Please join us on the weekend for Mass. We would love to meet you in person.

God bless you! We hope to see you soon!

It is time to register students for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. This is usually done in Second grade, or later in special circumstances. Sacrament Prep classes are required to receive First Communion. The classes include the whole family, if possible, or at least one parent/guardian and child. Dinner is provided! Classes meet at 6 pm and run to 7:30 pm. Click for more information and Class dates

Questions: contact Laura at laura.scheibert@ourladyofgracemi.org or 989-687-5657 ext 2

Footprints of God Video and Discussion. These videos are entertaining biography, travel documentary, Bible study, apologetics and Church history all rolled into a video by Steve Ray, best-selling author and popular Bible teacher.

St. Agnes: Wednesdays: 9:45 – 11:30 a.m. OR

St. Anne: Wednesdays @ 9:45 

Facilitators @ St. Agnes: Marybeth Stuart, @ St. Anne: Elmer Tappen

PLEASE REGISTER FOR SESSIONS Evening Sessions require a minimum of four (4)

To Register: contact Marybeth at marybeth.stuart@ourladyofgracemi.org or 687-5657 ext 4

Women's Bible Study

Angels of God enhances today's fascination with angels with an overview of the Bible's presentation of God's angels as guardians and messengers. This ten-week study will aid us in understanding their presence throughout biblical history and enhance our awareness of their invisible presence with us today. 

Date: Thursday, January 9

Time:10:00 am (minimum 5)  OR 1:30 pm

Place: St. Agnes site

Cost: $13.00

Register by January1 to Marybeth at 989-687-5657 ext. 4 OR   @ marybeth.stuart@ourladyofgracemi.org 

You Are Invited to Come -

Experience the compelling story of our rescue, Be impacted by the Gospel on a deeper level, Feel the warmth of Gods love anew! Join a small group for

The Rescue Project.

There are 9 sessions with video presentations by Fr, John Ricardo,

followed by group discussion.

Saturday, February 8 at 2:00pm

Limit: 10

To sign up: call or email Ceil at 989-687-5657 or ceil.duley@ourladyofgracemi.org 

Praise and Worship

Come spend some time singing and praying together, giving thanks and glorifying the Lord in song! Everyone is welcome -ages 0-100+!

Thursday February 20 at 7:00PM.

at Our Lady of Grace - Sanford site.

 Come “Make a joyful Noise unto the Lord!” 

Questions? Call Ceil Duley 

(989) 835-8438

Christ's Mission Appeal

The 2024-25 Christ's Mission Appeal has started. Materials about Christ's Mission Appeal, along with a letter from Bishop Gruss and a pledge card should have arrived in your mailbox. For more information click the link below.

Enjoy a free gift from our Parish to your family. This gives you access to countless Catholic movies, e-books, video series, lighthouse cds, and more. 

Parish Name: Midland Area Catholic Community

Baptism Class

If you are a parishioner and a first-time parent anticipating having your child baptized, a  one-time class is necessary for you and the Godparents.  A class is currently scheduled for Saturday, January 18th at 10:00 a.m.  Please register so enough material can be on hand.

Facilitator: Marybeth Stuart 989 687-5657 x4 or                                       marybeth.stuart@ourladyofgracemi.org

Sign up for weekly digital bulletins

Do you want to stay informed on what is happening in our Parish? Sign up for a weekly digital bulletin. Sign-up is free! When searching for the bulletin, type Our Lady of Grace, Sanford 48657

Let the Church always be a place of Mercy and Hope, 

where everyone is Welcomed, Loved and Forgiven.

                                                                                                                      - Pope Francis